I know I'm an acquired taste: I'm anchovies. And not everyone wants those hairy little things. If I was potato chips, I could go more places. -Tori Amos
People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within. -Ramona L. Anderson
We have no say over the hand dealt us in life, but we do have a lot of control over how this hand is played. We are responsible for bringing out the meaning of our own lives in each moment that we live. Remember each moment happens only once and can never be retrieved again. -Roberta Andersen
Women like silent men. They think they're listening. -Marcel Archard
He who believes he knows the ending of things before they begin is either a very wise person or an idiot. Regardless, he is unhappy for he hast drove a knife into the heart of wonder. -Osten Ard
Happiness depends on ourselves. -Aristotle
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. -Aristotle
Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. -Berthold Auerbach
Knowledge is power. -Francis Bacon
What I think is that the F-word is basically just a convenient nasty-sounding word that we tend to use when we would really like to come up with a terrifically witty insult, the kind Winston Churchill always came up with when enormous women asked him stupid questions at parties. -Dave Barry
Never shall I forget the time I spent with you. Please continue to be my friend, as you will always find me yours. -Ludwig Van Beethoven
A fact in itself is nothing. It is valuable only for the idea attached to it, or for the proof which it furnishes. -Claude Bernard
If there's one pitch you keep swinging at and keep missing, stop swinging at it. -Yogi Berra
I no longer worry about being a brilliant conversationalist. I simply try to be a good listener. I notice that people who do that are usually welcome wherever they go. -Frank Bettger
You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it. -Charles Bixton
We all agree that your theory is crazy, but is it crazy enough? -Niels Bohr
If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. -Derek Bok
Laughter is the closest distance between two people. -Victor Borge
The difference between friendship and love is how much you can hurt each other. -Ashleigh Brilliant
People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost. -H. Jackson Browne
The tragedy of life is not so much what men suffer, but rather what they miss. -Thomas Carlyle
Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. -Dale Carnegie
Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses. -George Washington Carver
Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. -M. Kathleen Casey
As long as people will accept crap, it will be financially profitable to dispense it. -Dick Cavett
He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever. -Chinese Proverb
There are two perfectly good men, one dead, and the other unborn. -Chinese Proverb
I think the next best thing to solving a probem is finding some humor in it. -Frank A. Clark
One of the great tragedies of mankind is that morality has been hijacked by religion. -Arthur C. Clarke
The intellegence of the planet is constant, and the population is growing. -Arthur C. Clarke
Irix is about as stable as a one-legged drunk with hypothermia in a four-hundred mile wind, balancing on a banana peel on a greased cookie sheet. When someone throws him an elephant with bad breath and a worse temper. - Simon Cozens
The Past may not be your fault, but the Future is your responsibility alone. -Gene Cruz
Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. -Marie Curie
Bad is never good until worse happens. -Danish Proverb
Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today. -James Dean
Difficulty attracts the man of character because it is in embracing it that he realizes himself. -Charles de Gaulle
Solitude, though it may be silent as light, is like light, the mightiest of agencies; for solitude is essential to man. All men come into this world alone and leave it alone. -Thomas De Quincey
You can't comfort the afflicted without afflicting the comfortable. -Princess Diana of Wales
It's the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter. -Marlene Dietrich
Watch me not care. -Dilbert
Everything comes if a man will only wait. -Benjamin Disraeli
If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results. -Jack Dixon
Right or wrong, it's very pleasant to break something from time to time. -Fedor Dostoevski
Boys frustrate me. I hate all thier indirect messages, I hate game playing. Do you like me or don't you? Just tell me so I can get over you. Kirsten Dunst
Nothing is often a good thing to say, and always a clever thing to say. -Will Durant
You can be in my dreams if i can be in yours. -Bob Dylan
The most unbelievable social convention of the age in which we live is the one to the effect that all religious opinions should be respected, no matter how ignorant. -William Edelen
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. -Thomas Edison
Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't. -Erika Jong
I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying. -Michael Jordan
Rest is not a matter of doing absolutely nothing. Rest is repair. -Daniel W. Joselyn
Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you. - Carl Gustav Jung
You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly. -Sam Keen
It's not what happens to you in life that's important, it's how you react to what happens. -Mike Keenan
The real test of friendship is: can you literally do nothing with the other person? Can you enjoy those moments of life that are utterly simple? -Eugene Kennedy
A child miseducated is a child lost. -John F. Kennedy
All this will not be finished in the first 100 days. Nor will it be finished in the first 1,000 days, nor in the life of this Administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin. -John F. Kennedy
About one-fifth of the people are against everything all the time. -Robert F. Kennedy
Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly. -Robert F. Kennedy
People are very open-minded about new things--as long as they're exactly like the old ones. -Charles Kettering
I am a part of all I have read. -John Kieran
People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid. -Soren Aabye Kierkegaard
When elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers. -Kikuyu proverb
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. -Martin Luther King Jr.
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. -Martin Luther King, Jr.
Everybody has the will to win; precious few have the will to prepare to win. -Bobby Knight
Life sucks, but death doesn't put out at all. -T. J. Kopp
Parents always know what strings control your heart and soul. After all, they are the ones who tied them there. -Mercedes Lackey
I do not think I will ever reach a stage when I will say, "This is what I believe. Finished." What I believe is alive... and open to growth. -Madeleine L'Engle
Time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted. -John Lennon
If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting? -Stephen Levine
People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be. -Abraham Lincoln
It's not whether you get knocked down. It's whether you get up again. -Vince Lombardi
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Security categories in india
In India, security is provided to high-risk individuals by the police and local government. Depending on the threat perception to the person, the category is divided into four tiers: Z+ (highest level), Z, Y and X.
Individuals under the security blanket include Cabinet Ministers, Chief Ministers, High Court and Supreme Judges, leading politicians, and senior bureaucrats. Details of the categories are as follows:
Recently Sachin Tendulkar was given Z+ security as there are threats to his life.
The SPG (Special Protection Group), NSG (National Security Guards), ITBP (Indo-Tibetan Border Police) and CRPF (Central Reserve Police Force) are the agencies responsible for providing securities to VVIPs/VIPs/Politicians/ High-profile celebrities and sportspersons.
The NSG is used extensively to guard VIPs and VVIPs, especially those in the Z+ category. Many NSG personnel are seconded to the Special Protection Group (SPG) which guards the Prime Minister. However, the use of NSG for VIP protection has spiralled out of control recently. More than 19 persons currently enjoy NSG protection, mainly as a status symbol. The Home Minister has clamped down on this misuse and is currently phasing out the use of the NSG for VIP protection in all but the most serious cases (Z+ category). From now on, NSG coverage will be provided based on a person's threat perception rather than status. This move has freed up a large number of operators for other missions. The NSG is also in demand as security consultants and are known to be active in the Middle East.
SPG commandos cater to the PM, former PMs and their immediate family members as part of the Z+ category of security cover.
The 'Z' category, in turn, entails security cover by the Delhi police or the ITBF or CRPF personnel and one escort car. The 'Y' category encompasses two personal security officers (PSOs) and the 'X' category, one PSO.
In June - July 2010 Salman Khan also given a Z-level security by the government.
Individuals under the security blanket include Cabinet Ministers, Chief Ministers, High Court and Supreme Judges, leading politicians, and senior bureaucrats. Details of the categories are as follows:
- Z+ category has a security cover of 36 personnel.
- Z category has a security cover of 22 personnel.
- Y category has a security cover of 11 personnel.
- X category has a security cover of 2 personnel.
Recently Sachin Tendulkar was given Z+ security as there are threats to his life.
The SPG (Special Protection Group), NSG (National Security Guards), ITBP (Indo-Tibetan Border Police) and CRPF (Central Reserve Police Force) are the agencies responsible for providing securities to VVIPs/VIPs/Politicians/ High-profile celebrities and sportspersons.
The NSG is used extensively to guard VIPs and VVIPs, especially those in the Z+ category. Many NSG personnel are seconded to the Special Protection Group (SPG) which guards the Prime Minister. However, the use of NSG for VIP protection has spiralled out of control recently. More than 19 persons currently enjoy NSG protection, mainly as a status symbol. The Home Minister has clamped down on this misuse and is currently phasing out the use of the NSG for VIP protection in all but the most serious cases (Z+ category). From now on, NSG coverage will be provided based on a person's threat perception rather than status. This move has freed up a large number of operators for other missions. The NSG is also in demand as security consultants and are known to be active in the Middle East.
SPG commandos cater to the PM, former PMs and their immediate family members as part of the Z+ category of security cover.
The 'Z' category, in turn, entails security cover by the Delhi police or the ITBF or CRPF personnel and one escort car. The 'Y' category encompasses two personal security officers (PSOs) and the 'X' category, one PSO.
In June - July 2010 Salman Khan also given a Z-level security by the government.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
child hood :

Ernesto Guevara de la Serna was born on June 14th, 1928 in Rosario, Argentina. His family was well-off and had aristocratic roots, but they were filled with socialistic ideals. His parents were Ernesto Guevara Lynch, a civil engineer of Irish descent; and Celia de la Serna, of Spanish descent. Early in his childhood, he developed an almost paralyzing degree of asthma that more or less stayed with him for the rest of his life. In fact, it is said that "as one stood next to him, one could hear a wheezing sound coming from his lungs whenever he got too uptight about anything that didn't go his way." Despite this condition, Ernesto was deeply involved many athletic activities, especially rugby. Che's father played a crucial role in the development of his son's athletic interest, however outside of those activities his father was rather aloof and distant.
Although he bears his father's name, his mother came to be the dominate influence on him throughout his life, but especially in his youth. In fact, the relationship shared between them was stronger than that shared by any of the other children; perhaps due to his illness: there is nothing like a mother's anguish and guilt to create in her a boundless devotion to her child. She would often read to him; and teach him French among other things; during the time he spent indoors because of his illness.
He easily adopted his parents' liberal attitudes. He read a lot during this time, and grew impressed by what he read of the Spanish Civil War refugees and by the long series of squalid political crises in Argentina which culminated in the "Left Facist" dictatorship of Juan Per—n, to whom his parents were deeply opposed. Although his parents were strongly anti Per—nist and were activists against him, Che himself took no part in the activities. His path to becoming a revolutionary would not be so direct. Instead, he went to medical school; a decision probably based on his desire to find a cure for himself, but more likely to find a cure for his mother's malignant cancer which she developed at least two years before this decision.
This is not to say that the revolutionary leader was not interested in leftist politics; although he never joined a radical student organization in college, he did read Marx, Engels, Stalin, Mussolini and many others. He discussed this with his good friend Tita, a young member of the Argentine Communist Youth.
During college, he developed an intense medical interest in leprosy. Soon before graduating, he began a long tour of South America, in search of medical centers devoted to the treatment of leprosy patients. It is said that he cried when he saw the brutal inhumanity of the treatment of lepers in San Pablo Leprosarium, located along the Amazon river. The trip made one thing clear to Che; he did not want to become a middle-class practicioner. After his return and graduation, he left once again for another tour of South America. He met a man named Ricardo Rojo in Ecuador, who convinced him that a real social revolution was taking place in Guatemala.

Jacobo Arbenz was the president at the time, who expropriated 225,000 acres of uncultivated land from the American Fruit Company to give to the starving, landless Indians. The American Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles (also a stockholder in the American Fruit Company) decided the Arbenz government was a communist regime and succeeded in preparing a mercenary invasion force in Honduras. Che tried to organize a fighting force against this; however the Guatemalan army had already sold out to the CIA, and the Arbenz government collapsed. It was here that Che decided that revolution could be made only through armed insurrection. He fled to Mexico City, where he married Hilda Gadea Acosta (whom was supporting and living with Che in Guatemala) and fathered their first child. Everything went smoothly, until Che met Raul Castro, brother of Fidel.
Che was introduced to Fidel Castro, who was planning an invasion of Cuba at the time, and managed to get himself involved in it; first as their troop physician and soon as a Commandante of the revolutionary army of barbutos. They landed in Cuba on December 2nd, 1956, and the revolution began. Shortly afterwards, he made the often talked about final decision between doctor and revolutionary soldier: escaping through sugarcane fields, he had to choose between carrying a backpack filled with medical supplies, or a crate of bullets. It was impossible to carry both. He chose the ammunition.
After the eventual success of the revolution in Cuba in 1959 and on through 1965, Che works mainly towards the improvement of the newly established Cuban government. When asked during the revolution if his involvement could be considered foreign interference (due to his origins in Argentina), he said "First of all I don't regard only Argentina as my native country but whole of America. ... Besides you can't call it interference if I want to give myself personally and totally - up to my blood - to a case that seems right to me and that is completely that of the people. A people that wants to get liberated of a tyranny that on itself cheers the armoured interference of a foreign power with aeroplanes, weapons and military advisors." It is in this spirit that he also left the Cuban cause, and set his sights on the revolutionary prospects of other countries. He wrote in a letter to Fidel, "I formally renounce my position in the national leadership of the party, my post as minister, my rank as major, and my Cuban Citizenship... other nations of the world call for my modest efforts."
With the support of Fidel and Cuba, he leaves for the Belgian Congo to help the Kinshasa rebels in their fight against Belgian mercenaries. His soldiers fought well, but he overestimated the potential of success in the Kinshasa rebels; and by the fall of 1965 he advised Castro to withdraw Cuban aid. His next overestimation of a revolutionary cause would prove to be fatal, as he joined the guerilla war in the Santa Cruz region of Bolivia. He failed to win the support of the peasants, saying "The farmers are still aloof. It is a vicious circle: to attract them we must have more actions in populated areas, but therefore we need more men." Eventually, Guevara was isolated and surrounded by the Bolivian army, under the direction of the CIA. He was held captive, and then killed by his captives a day later. It is unclear where the order to execute him came from, possibly the US government or the intentions of someone high up in the Bolivian army.

Che himself knew that he was to be executed, and said "It is better like this ... I never should have been captured alive." Che has been called a master of iconography and public appearance, made clear to be true by the everlasting image of him found worldwide; but these near last words raise some suspicion. Had he forseen the effect his martyring would cause on his followers, he might have welcomed it. On the other hand, the quote was to Felix Rodriguez, the CIA agent responsible for the movements of the Bolivian army, the one who quite possibly gave the order to execute. If he had known this, then perhaps the words were said to support the decision knowing full well the martyrdom which would occur and to encourage Rodriguez by not letting on to how much his death would act against those who wanted him dead. We will never know the truth, except that his legend will live on indefinitely.
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna was born on June 14th, 1928 in Rosario, Argentina. His family was well-off and had aristocratic roots, but they were filled with socialistic ideals. His parents were Ernesto Guevara Lynch, a civil engineer of Irish descent; and Celia de la Serna, of Spanish descent. Early in his childhood, he developed an almost paralyzing degree of asthma that more or less stayed with him for the rest of his life. In fact, it is said that "as one stood next to him, one could hear a wheezing sound coming from his lungs whenever he got too uptight about anything that didn't go his way." Despite this condition, Ernesto was deeply involved many athletic activities, especially rugby. Che's father played a crucial role in the development of his son's athletic interest, however outside of those activities his father was rather aloof and distant.
Although he bears his father's name, his mother came to be the dominate influence on him throughout his life, but especially in his youth. In fact, the relationship shared between them was stronger than that shared by any of the other children; perhaps due to his illness: there is nothing like a mother's anguish and guilt to create in her a boundless devotion to her child. She would often read to him; and teach him French among other things; during the time he spent indoors because of his illness.
He easily adopted his parents' liberal attitudes. He read a lot during this time, and grew impressed by what he read of the Spanish Civil War refugees and by the long series of squalid political crises in Argentina which culminated in the "Left Facist" dictatorship of Juan Per—n, to whom his parents were deeply opposed. Although his parents were strongly anti Per—nist and were activists against him, Che himself took no part in the activities. His path to becoming a revolutionary would not be so direct. Instead, he went to medical school; a decision probably based on his desire to find a cure for himself, but more likely to find a cure for his mother's malignant cancer which she developed at least two years before this decision.
During college, he developed an intense medical interest in leprosy. Soon before graduating, he began a long tour of South America, in search of medical centers devoted to the treatment of leprosy patients. It is said that he cried when he saw the brutal inhumanity of the treatment of lepers in San Pablo Leprosarium, located along the Amazon river. The trip made one thing clear to Che; he did not want to become a middle-class practicioner. After his return and graduation, he left once again for another tour of South America. He met a man named Ricardo Rojo in Ecuador, who convinced him that a real social revolution was taking place in Guatemala.
Jacobo Arbenz was the president at the time, who expropriated 225,000 acres of uncultivated land from the American Fruit Company to give to the starving, landless Indians. The American Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles (also a stockholder in the American Fruit Company) decided the Arbenz government was a communist regime and succeeded in preparing a mercenary invasion force in Honduras. Che tried to organize a fighting force against this; however the Guatemalan army had already sold out to the CIA, and the Arbenz government collapsed. It was here that Che decided that revolution could be made only through armed insurrection. He fled to Mexico City, where he married Hilda Gadea Acosta (whom was supporting and living with Che in Guatemala) and fathered their first child. Everything went smoothly, until Che met Raul Castro, brother of Fidel.
Che was introduced to Fidel Castro, who was planning an invasion of Cuba at the time, and managed to get himself involved in it; first as their troop physician and soon as a Commandante of the revolutionary army of barbutos. They landed in Cuba on December 2nd, 1956, and the revolution began. Shortly afterwards, he made the often talked about final decision between doctor and revolutionary soldier: escaping through sugarcane fields, he had to choose between carrying a backpack filled with medical supplies, or a crate of bullets. It was impossible to carry both. He chose the ammunition.
After the eventual success of the revolution in Cuba in 1959 and on through 1965, Che works mainly towards the improvement of the newly established Cuban government. When asked during the revolution if his involvement could be considered foreign interference (due to his origins in Argentina), he said "First of all I don't regard only Argentina as my native country but whole of America. ... Besides you can't call it interference if I want to give myself personally and totally - up to my blood - to a case that seems right to me and that is completely that of the people. A people that wants to get liberated of a tyranny that on itself cheers the armoured interference of a foreign power with aeroplanes, weapons and military advisors." It is in this spirit that he also left the Cuban cause, and set his sights on the revolutionary prospects of other countries. He wrote in a letter to Fidel, "I formally renounce my position in the national leadership of the party, my post as minister, my rank as major, and my Cuban Citizenship... other nations of the world call for my modest efforts."
With the support of Fidel and Cuba, he leaves for the Belgian Congo to help the Kinshasa rebels in their fight against Belgian mercenaries. His soldiers fought well, but he overestimated the potential of success in the Kinshasa rebels; and by the fall of 1965 he advised Castro to withdraw Cuban aid. His next overestimation of a revolutionary cause would prove to be fatal, as he joined the guerilla war in the Santa Cruz region of Bolivia. He failed to win the support of the peasants, saying "The farmers are still aloof. It is a vicious circle: to attract them we must have more actions in populated areas, but therefore we need more men." Eventually, Guevara was isolated and surrounded by the Bolivian army, under the direction of the CIA. He was held captive, and then killed by his captives a day later. It is unclear where the order to execute him came from, possibly the US government or the intentions of someone high up in the Bolivian army.
Che himself knew that he was to be executed, and said "It is better like this ... I never should have been captured alive." Che has been called a master of iconography and public appearance, made clear to be true by the everlasting image of him found worldwide; but these near last words raise some suspicion. Had he forseen the effect his martyring would cause on his followers, he might have welcomed it. On the other hand, the quote was to Felix Rodriguez, the CIA agent responsible for the movements of the Bolivian army, the one who quite possibly gave the order to execute. If he had known this, then perhaps the words were said to support the decision knowing full well the martyrdom which would occur and to encourage Rodriguez by not letting on to how much his death would act against those who wanted him dead. We will never know the truth, except that his legend will live on indefinitely.
Friday, December 24, 2010
top 10 richest person in the world
No.1 Carlos Slim Helu
$53.5 billionTelecom, Mexico.
Telecom tycoon who pounced on privatization of Mexico’s national telephone company in the 1990s becomes world’s richest person for first time after coming in third place last year. Net worth up $18.5 billion in a year. Recently received regulatory approval to merge his fixed-line assets into American Movil, Latin America’s biggest mobile phone company.
No.2 Bill Gates
$53 billionMicrosoft, U.S.
Software visionary is now the world’s second-richest man. Net worth still up $13 billion in a year as Microsoft shares rose 50% in 12 months, value of investment vehicle Cascade swelled. More than 60% of fortune held outside Microsoft; investments include Four Seasons hotels, Televisa, Auto Nation. Stepped down from day-to-day duties at Microsoft in 2008 to focus on philanthropy.
No.3 Warren Buffett
$47 billion – Investments, U.S.America’s favorite investor up $10 billion in past 12 months on surging Berkshire Hathaway shares; says U.S. has survived economic "Pearl Harbor," but warns recovery will be slow. Shrewdly invested $5 billion in Goldman Sachs and $3 billion in General Electric amid 2008 market collapse. Recently acquired railroad giant Burlington Northern Santa Fe for $26 billion.
No.4 Mukesh Ambani
$29 billion- Petrochemicals, oil and gas. India.Global ambitions: His Reliance Industries, already India’s most valuable company, recently bid $2 billion for 65% stake in troubled Canadian oil sands outfit Value Creations. Firm’s $14.5 billion offer to buy bankrupt petrochemicals maker LyondellBasell was rejected. Since September company has sold Treasury shares worth $2 billion to be used for acquisitions. Late father, Dhirubhai, founded Reliance and built it into a massive conglomerate.
No.5 Lakshmi Mittal
$28.7 billionLondon’s richest resident oversees ArcelorMittal, world’s largest steel maker. Net profits fell 75% in 2009. Mittal took 12% pay cut but improved outlook pushed stock up one-third in past year. Looking to expand in his native India; wants to build steel mills in Jharkhad and Orissa but has not received government approval. Earned $1.1 billion for selling his interest in a Kazakh refinery in December
No.6 Lawrence Ellison
$28 billion – Oracle, U.S.Oracle founder’s fortune continues to soar; shares up 70% in past 12 months. Database giant has bought 57 companies in the past five years. Completed $7.4 billion buyout of Sun Microsystems in January; acquired BEA Systems for $8.5 billion in 2008. Studied physics at U. of Chicago; didn’t graduate. Started Oracle 1977; took public a day before Microsoft in 1986.
No.7 Bernard Arnault
$27.5 billionLuxury goods, France Bling is back, helping fashion icon grab title of richest European as shares of his luxury goods outfit LVMH–maker of Louis Vuitton, Moet & Chandon–surge 57%. LVMH is developing upscale Shanghai commercial property, L’Avenue Shanghai, with Macau billionaire Stanley Ho.
No.8 Eike Batista
$27 billionMining, oil. Brazil.
Vowing to become world’s richest man–and he may be on his way. This year’s biggest gainer added $19.5 billion to his personal balance sheet. Son of Brazil’s revered former mining minister who presided over mining giant Companhia Vale do Rio Doce got his start in gold trading and mining.
No.9 Amancio Ortega
$25 billionFashion retail, Spain.
Style maven lords over Inditex; fashion firm, which operates under several brand names including Zara, Massimo Dutti and Stradivarius, has 4,500 stores in 73 countries including new spots in Mexico and Syria. Set up joint venture with Tata Group subsidiary to enter India in 2010. Betting on Florida real estate: bought Coral Gables office tower that is currently home to Bacardi USA.
No.10 Karl Albrecht
$23.5 billionSupermarkets, Germany.
Owns discount supermarket giant Aldi Sud, one of Germany’s (and Europe’s) dominant grocers. Has 1,000 stores in U.S. across 29 states. Estimated sales: $37 billion. Plans to open New York City store this year. With younger brother, Theo, transformed mother’s corner grocery store into Aldi after World War II. Brothers split ownership in 1961; Karl took the stores in southern Germany, plus the rights to the brand in the U.K., Australia and the U.S. Theo got northern Germany and the rest of Europe.
Rich and poor countries in the world
Most unfortunate thing in this world
The level of economy in countries around the globe is not even. It is somewhere very high and somewhere very low. GDP, literacy rate and employment rate are several parameters of a country to determine the level of its economy. According to a report of the United Nations, hunger causes the death of about 25,000 people everyday. Unfortunately, the number of children is greater than that of adults. Consider several facts of income disparity between rich and poor nations to measure the cleavage between the haves and the haves not. The combined income of the world’s richest individuals leaves far behind that of the poorest 416 million. 982 million out of 4.8 billion people in the developing world live on $1 a day. Another 2.5 billion live on below $2 a day. 40% of the poorest population made up 5% of world income while 20% of the richest population made up 75% of global income in 2005.
A country with a GDP per capita of $765 dollars or less is defined as a low-income or poor country. You may wonder why poor countries remain poor. Some interrelated factors like geography, industrialization, colonialism, education, resources, infrastructure, overpopulation, investment, government and debt make poor countries remain the heavy foot of poverty.
1. Luxembourg – $80,800
Where does the money come from?
Well, there is over 250 banks crammed into the small country! It has the largest banking concentration in the European Union and probably in the world. In addition to being rich the people are smart as well. In elementary school everyone studies in French, starting from middle school they learn in German and in highschool the main language is English.
Their own language – Lëtzebuergesch. When picking up a local newspaper be prepared to find articles in all languages.
If your country is on the list and you have an interesting fact about it – let me know in the comments and I will add it to the list!
2. Qatar – $75,900
In 2009 Qatar is also expected to be the fastest growing economy in the world!
3. Norway – $55,600
4. Kuwait – $55,300
5. United Arab Emirates – $55,200
6. Singapore – $48,900
This country tiny country consist of 63 island and some mainland with a total area of only 270 square miles (704 sq km). With Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan it is considered one of the Four Asian Tigers. Singapore has the busiest port in the world and is the 4th largest foreign exchange trading center in the world. Singapore is widely believed to be the most business-friendly economy in the world.
7. United States – $46,000
8. Ireland - $45,600
9. Equatorial Guinea – $44,100
10. Switzerland – $39,800 (GDP per capita)
01. Republic of the Congo (GDP – per capita: $300)
Republic of the Congo in Central Africa is the last at the bottom of the economic heaps. Depreciation of Franc Zone currencies, incredibly high levels of inflation in 1994, eruption of the civil war, and continuation of armed conflict and slumping oil price in 1998 broke down the economy of the country.
02. Republic of Liberia (GDP – per capita: $500)
Republic of Liberia on the west coast of Africa is one of the ten poorest economies across the globe. A decline in the export of commodities, the flight of many investors from the country, the unjust exploitation of the country’s diamond resource, looting and war profiteering during the civil war in 1990 brought the economy of the country to its knees. External debt of the country is more than its GDP.
03. Republic of Zimbabwe (GDP – per capita: $500)
Republic of Zimbabwe is located between the Limpopo and Zambezi rivers in the south of Africa. Its economy suffers a slowdown due to supply shortage, soaring inflation and foreign exchange shortage. Zimbabwe’s involvement in the Democratic Republic of the Congo left its economy fragile. The worst consequence of the knelt-down economy is unemployment that is as high as 80%.
04. The Solomon Islands (GDP – per capita: $600)
“Solomon Islands Tsunami — Minister whose church was washed away”
The Solomon Islands is a country in Melanesia. Fishing holds its domestic economy. Above 75% of the labor class, is involved in fishing. Timber was the main product for export until 1998. Palm oil and copra are important cash crops for export. The Solomon Islands are rich in mineral resources like zinc, lead, gold and nickel.
05. Republic of Somalia (GDP – per capita: $600)
Agriculture is the base of the economy of Republic of Somalia in the Horn of Africa. Nomads and semi-nomads comprise a major part of the population. Rearing livestock is the primary source of livelihood for them. The small agricultural industry contributes 10% to its GDP.
06. Union of the Comoros (GDP – per capita: $600)
Population growth and unemployment at a high rate are responsible for the poor economy of Union of the Comoros. Population density at a rate of 1000 per square km in agriculture zones may result in an environmental crisis. Agricultural contribution to its GDP is 40%. The low level of education has raised the level of labor force. Economy mainly depends on foreign grants.
07. Guinea-Bissau (GDP – per capita: $600)
The rank of Guinea Bissau as a poor country is 172. Farming and fishing are the only pillars of its economy. The level of income is not even in all parts of the country. About 10% of its adult population is at risk of HIV.
08. Central African Republic (GDP – per capita: $700)
“Rebel in northern Central African Republic”
The Central African Republic ranks 171 as a poor country. Agriculture is the backbone of its unstable economy. Life expectancy of its meager population 4.3 ranges from 43.46 to 43.62 years. 13.5% of its population is at risk of AIDS.
09. Niger (GDP – per capita: $700)
Niger with a population of 12.5 million is one of the ten poorest countries in the world. Drought is a common natural calamity in Niger. It often undergoes a phase of severe food crisis. 63% of its total population lives on below $1 a day. Adult literacy rate is as low as 15%. Life expectancy spans up to 46 years. A number of people die of hepatitis A, diarrhea, malaria, meningococcal meningitis and typhoid fever.
10. Ethiopia (GDP – per capita: $700)
Ethiopia ranks 170 out of 177 the poorest countries on the Human Development Index (UNDP HDI 2006). Half of its GDP depends on agricultural activity. The agricultural sector suffers lowdown because of poor cultivation techniques and frequent drought. 50% of its population 74.7 million bears the burden of poverty and 80% lives on bread line. 47% of males and 31% of females are literate. Some parts of Ethiopia run a high risk of hepatitis A, hepatitis E, typhoid fever, malaria, rabies, meningococcal meningitis and schistosomiasis.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
sachin tendulkar .. the legend in cricket
Childhood :
Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar was born on 24 April 1973 to a middle class family in Mumbai. His father Ramesh Tendulkar was a schoolteacher and a Marathi Novelist. He was named after his family's favourite music director, Sachin Dev Burman (Father of R D Burman).

As a child Tendulkar loved to play tennis more than any other game. It was his elder brother Ajit Tendulkar, who motivated him to play cricket. Young Sachin later found his interest to become a fast bowler. However his height made him the finest batsmen in the world. At the age of 10 he walked to the field at 6 am with a cricket bag bigger than him for the practice. At the age of 11 he moved with his paternal uncle to get trained in cricket by the most renowned coach Ramakanth Achrekar.

As a cricketer :
Sachin tendulkar scored a century in his first debut in Ranji Trophy, Duleep Trophy and Irani Trophy. He is the only player to have owned this credit so far. He made his debut in ODIs and international Tests at the age of 16 against Pakistan's fiery cricketers Wasim Akram and Waqar Younis (who also made his debut). He thus made his mark as the youngest Indian cricketer to play in an International Match.
Sachin has been 'Man of the Match' 11 times in Test matches and 'Man of the Series' twice against Australia. His physical peak was seen through the years 1994-99. He continued to do his best and became the leading run scorer at the 1996 Cricket World Cup. His name itself striked terror in the heart of the best bowlers all around the world. He was soon hailed as the master blaster after the end of the legacy of Vivian Richards
Sachin went through a chronic back problem in 1999. Despite the problem he scored a century. The same year, during the Cricket World Cup, Tendulkar's father passed away. He flew back to India for his final rituals, but with the sad demise in his thoughts he did not let India sink with the score. He scored a century unbeaten 140 off 101 balls against Kenya.
Sachin, succeed Mohammad Azharuddin as captain of Indian Team. However he resigned in 2000 after a gruesome defeat in few matches.
In 2004 Sachin made 673 runs in 11 matches in the 2003 World Cup, thus helping India to pave a path in the finals. He was then awarded man of the series. However his fame was getting shadowed after he started suffering from Tennis Elbow. It was only after two years he delighted the cricket world fan by scoring the 35th century.
At the beginning of 2006 Sachin made a wonderful start. However the cricket icon of 90's was booed by his own admirers off the ground as he scored just 1 run in 21 balls against England in the 1st innings. He combated the stares and envy of his fans by winning them again in the very next innings. He was the top scorer in the second innings.
Records of Sachin Tendulkar :

Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar was born on 24 April 1973 to a middle class family in Mumbai. His father Ramesh Tendulkar was a schoolteacher and a Marathi Novelist. He was named after his family's favourite music director, Sachin Dev Burman (Father of R D Burman).

As a child Tendulkar loved to play tennis more than any other game. It was his elder brother Ajit Tendulkar, who motivated him to play cricket. Young Sachin later found his interest to become a fast bowler. However his height made him the finest batsmen in the world. At the age of 10 he walked to the field at 6 am with a cricket bag bigger than him for the practice. At the age of 11 he moved with his paternal uncle to get trained in cricket by the most renowned coach Ramakanth Achrekar.

As a cricketer :
Sachin tendulkar scored a century in his first debut in Ranji Trophy, Duleep Trophy and Irani Trophy. He is the only player to have owned this credit so far. He made his debut in ODIs and international Tests at the age of 16 against Pakistan's fiery cricketers Wasim Akram and Waqar Younis (who also made his debut). He thus made his mark as the youngest Indian cricketer to play in an International Match.

Sachin has been 'Man of the Match' 11 times in Test matches and 'Man of the Series' twice against Australia. His physical peak was seen through the years 1994-99. He continued to do his best and became the leading run scorer at the 1996 Cricket World Cup. His name itself striked terror in the heart of the best bowlers all around the world. He was soon hailed as the master blaster after the end of the legacy of Vivian Richards

Sachin went through a chronic back problem in 1999. Despite the problem he scored a century. The same year, during the Cricket World Cup, Tendulkar's father passed away. He flew back to India for his final rituals, but with the sad demise in his thoughts he did not let India sink with the score. He scored a century unbeaten 140 off 101 balls against Kenya.

Sachin, succeed Mohammad Azharuddin as captain of Indian Team. However he resigned in 2000 after a gruesome defeat in few matches.
In 2004 Sachin made 673 runs in 11 matches in the 2003 World Cup, thus helping India to pave a path in the finals. He was then awarded man of the series. However his fame was getting shadowed after he started suffering from Tennis Elbow. It was only after two years he delighted the cricket world fan by scoring the 35th century.
At the beginning of 2006 Sachin made a wonderful start. However the cricket icon of 90's was booed by his own admirers off the ground as he scored just 1 run in 21 balls against England in the 1st innings. He combated the stares and envy of his fans by winning them again in the very next innings. He was the top scorer in the second innings.
Records of Sachin Tendulkar :
On February 24, Sachin Tendulkar created another world record by scoring 200* runs in ODI cricket. He scored 25 fours in the match which is also a record for most fours by an individual in an innings.-
ODI Records
- Most runs in career. (17598 runs)
- Most runs in an innings. (200* against South Africa)
- Most runs in a calender year. (1894 runs in 1998)
- Most runs against one team.(3005 runs against Australia)
- Only player to score 200 runs.
- Most Hundreds in career. (46 Hundreds)
- Most Hundreds in a calendar year. (9 Hundreds in 1998)
- Most Hundreds against one team. (9 Hundreds against Australia)
- Most 150+ runs in career.(5 150+ runs)
- Most Nineties in career. (18 Nineties)
- Most times dismissed on 99. (3 times)
- Most fifties in career. (93 Fifties)
- Most fours in career. (1927 fours)
- Most fours in an innings. (25 fours)
- Fast to 10000 runs. ( 259 Inns)
- Fast to 11000 runs. ( 276 Inns)
- Fast to 12000 runs. (300 Inns)
- Fast to 13000 runs. (321 Inns)
- Fast to 14000 runs. (350 Inns)
- Fast to 15000 runs. (377 Inns)
- Fast to 16000 runs. (399 Inns)
- Fast to 17000 runs. (435 Inns)
- Hundred runs and 4 wickets in a match. (141 & 4/38 against Australia in 1998)
- 10000+ runs, 100+ wickets and 100+ catches in career.
- Highest Partnership for any wicket. (331 runs with Rahul Dravid against New Zealand)
- Highest partnership for 2nd wicket. (331 runs with Rahul Dravid against New Zealand)
- Highest partnership for 3rd wicket. (237* runs with Rahul Dravid against Kenya)
- Highest overall partnership by a pair. (8227 runs with Sourav Ganguly)
- Highest overall partnership runs by openers. (6609 runs with Sourav Ganguly)
- Most Hundred partnerships by a pair. (26 Hundred Partnership with Sourav Ganguly)
- Most consecutive matches for a team. (185 matches)
- Most Player Of the Match awards. (61 Awards)
- Most Player of the Series awards. (15 Awards)
Test Records
- Most runs in career. (13341 runs)
- Most hundreds in career. (50 Hundreds)
- Most fours in career. (1734+ Fours)
- Two unbeaten 50+ runs in a match. (241* & 60* vs Australia in 2004)
- Fast to 8000 runs. (154 Inns)
- Fast to 12000 runs. (247 Inns)
- Fast to 13,000 runs. (266 Inns)
- Most hundred partnerships by a pair. (17 Hundred Partnership with Rahul Dravid)
Combined Test, ODI & T20I Records
- Most Runs in career. (30638 Runs)
- Most Hundreds in career. (93 Hundreds)
- Most Hundreds in a calendar year. (12 Hundreds in 1998)
- Most Hundreds against one team. (19 Hundreds against Australia)
- Most Nineties in career.(25 Nineties)
- Most Fifties in career. (147 Fifties)
- Most Fours in career. (3623+ Fours)
- Highest Overall Parnership runs by a pair. (12400 Runs with Sourav Ganguly)
- Most Hundred Parnerships by a pair. (38 Hundreds with Sourav Ganguly)
- Most matches in career. (606 Matches)
- Most consequetive matches for a team. (239 Matches for India from 25 April 1990 to 24 April 1998)
- Most 'Player of the match' awards. (73 Awards)
- Most 'Player of the series' awards. (18 Awards)
video links:
Sunday, December 19, 2010
list of scams in india
The Top Scams in India
1) 2G Spectrum Scam
We have had a number of scams in India; but none bigger than the scam involving the process of allocating unified access service licenses. At the heart of this Rs.1.76-lakh crore worth of scam is the former Telecom minister A Raja – who according to the CAG, has evaded norms at every level as he carried out the dubious 2G license awards in 2008 at a throw-away price which were pegged at 2001 prices.2) Commonwealth Games Scam
Another feather in the cap of Indian scandal list is Commonwealth Games loot. Yes, literally a loot! Even before the long awaited sporting bonanza could see the day of light, the grand event was soaked in the allegations of corruption. It is estimated that out of Rs. 70000 crore spent on the Games, only half the said amount was spent on Indian sportspersons.
The Central Vigilance Commission, involved in probing the alleged corruption in various Commonwealth Games-related projects, has found discrepancies in tenders – like payment to non-existent parties, will-ful delays in execution of contracts, over-inflated price and bungling in purchase of equipment through tendering – and misappropriation of funds.
3) Telgi Scam
As they say, every scam must have something unique in it to make money out of it in an unscrupulous manner- and Telgi scam had all the suspense and drama that the scandal needed to thrive and be busted.Abdul Karim Telgi had mastered the art of forgery in printing duplicate stamp papers and sold them to banks and other institutions. The tentacles of the fake stamp and stamp paper case had penetrated 12 states and was estimated at a whooping Rs. 20000 crore plus. The Telgi clearly had a lot of support from government departments that were responsible for the production and sale of high security stamps.
4) Satyam Scam
The scam at Satyam Computer Services is something that will shatter the peace and tranquillity of Indian investors and shareholder community beyond repair. Satyam is the biggest fraud in the corporate history to the tune of Rs. 14000 crore.
The company’s disgraced former chairman Ramalinga Raju kept everyone in the dark for a decade by fudging the books of accounts for several years and inflating revenues and profit figures of Satyam. Finally, the company was taken over by the Tech Mahindra which has done wonderfully well to revive the brand Satyam.
5) Bofors Scam
The Bofors scandal is known as the hallmark of Indian corruption. The Bofors scam was a major corruption scandal in India in the 1980s; when the then PM Rajiv Gandhi and several others including a powerful NRI family named the Hindujas, were accused of receiving kickbacks from Bofors AB for winning a bid to supply India’s 155 mm field howitzer.
The Swedish State Radio had broadcast a startling report about an undercover operation carried out by Bofors, Sweden’s biggest arms manufacturer, whereby $16 million were allegedly paid to members of PM Rajiv Gandhi’s Congress.
Most of all, the Bofors scam had a strong emotional appeal because it was a scam related to the defense services and India’s security interests.6) The Fodder Scam
If you haven’t heard of Bihar’s fodder scam of 1996, you might still be able to recognize it by the name of “Chara Ghotala ,” as it is popularly known in the vernacular language.
In this corruption scandal worth Rs.900 crore, an unholy nexus was traced involved in fabrication of “vast herds of fictitious livestock” for which fodder, medicine7) The Hawala Scandal
The Hawala case to the tune of $18 million bribery scandal, which came in the open in 1996, involved payments allegedly received by country’s leading politicians through hawala brokers. From the list of those accused also included Lal Krishna Advani who was then the Leader of Opposition.Thus, for the first time in Indian politics, it gave a feeling of open loot all around the public, involving all the major political players being accused of having accepted bribes and also alleged connections about payments being channelled to Hizbul Mujahideen militants in Kashmir.
8) IPL Scam
Well, I am running out of time and space over here. The list of scandals in India is just not ending and becoming grave by every decade. Most of us are aware about the recent scam in IPL and embezzlement with respect to bidding for various franchisees. The scandal already claimed the portfolios of two big-wigs in the form of Shashi Tharoor and former IPL chief Lalit Modi.9,10) Harshad Mehta & Ketan Parekh Stock Market Scam
Although not corruption scams, these have affected many people. There is no way that the investor community could forget the unfortunate Rs. 4000 crore Harshad Mehta scam and over Rs. 1000 crore Ketan Parekh scam which eroded the shareholders wealth in form of big market jolt.check with this website once :
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